Live music.. every Sunday at16:00. 

The only Guinness pub on Ameland / De enige Guinness pub op Ameland

Have a look at the video of the Celtic Music Festival created by Ameland vandaag.

Open stage

Last Sunday of the month. Bring an instrument and join. Or sit back, relax and enjoy the entertainment.

Our famous Irish Mule…
The Irish Mule

Welcome to Ameland and see you in the Pancake House!

A holiday on Ameland is not complete without at least one visit to the Pannenkoekhuis. Pannenkoekhuis Onder de Vuurtoren has been welcoming guests to this cozy restaurant for more than 20 years.

In addition to pancakes, we also serve other dishes. View our menu for snacks, meat and fish dishes. Be sure to save some room for our delicious desserts!

Our terrace is often described as one of the nicest on Ameland.

Opening hours

Open Thursday to Monday from 11 a.m. (kitchen from 12 noon).
Delicious coffee & tea, pancakes & other dishes.

The only place on Ameland with Guinness on tap!!!

Uniek op Ameland. Guinness van de tap!

Pancake House Onder de VuurtorenUnder the Lighthouse is the perfect place to relax with your favorite drink, snack or pancake after a long day at the beach!

Our restaurant is wheelchair accessible, and we have cookies and water for your dog. At the beginning of this year we expanded the playground with beautiful playground equipment. The favorite bouncy castle is still there.

Groups are very welcome, but it is wise to make a reservation.

Kindvriendelijke speeltuin - Pannenkoekhuis Onder de Vuurtoren Ameland
Pannekoekhuis Onder de Vuurtoren - Onze nieuwe speeltuin
Kindvriendelijke speeltuin - Pannenkoekhuis Onder de Vuurtoren Ameland
Pannekoekhuis Onder de Vuurtoren - Onze nieuwe speeltuin

Celtic Music Festival 2024

Friday, July 12th t/m Sunday, July 14th 

My mother used to often say “the better the day, the better the deed”. Well, July 12th is a very significant date in Northern Ireland and, of course, July 14th is widely celebrated in France. ‘The glorious 12th’ or ‘Orangeman’s day’ is the day that Northern Irish Protestants celebrate the victory of the Dutch King William of Orange over the Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne in 1690. This led to what the Irish called the Williamite wars and the Scots called the Jacobite wars both of which had tragic consequences. Anyway, enough of that horrible history – it’s time to play some music!

This year we have booked Jock and Stevie a.k.a. The Box o’Bananas to perform at our little festival. The Boogiemen are otherwise engaged. 

The Box o’Bananas

‘Scotland’s 2nd greatest export’

If you’ve been to one of our festivals you’ll be familiar with the Bananas. Jock the Box and Stevie Gillies are two of the most amazing musicians you’re ever likely to hear. They can move effortlessly from plaintiff Scottish ballads to raunchy AC/DC favourites – and everything in between. You’ll be in for a highly entertaining evening featuring a bunch of musical styles consisting of Scottish, Irish, Folk, Rock, Pop, Cajun with a splattering of utter nonsense.


Friday, July 12th – 20:30

The Box o’Bananas in concert

Saturday, July 13th – 14:00

An Open Session on our beautiful terrace with The Bananas, Paul and other special guests.

Saturday, July 13th – 20:30

Paul opens the evening with a few songs before The Box o’Bananas take over.

Sunday, July 14th – 14:00

Another session on our terrace. All invited. 

Live Muziek Pannekoekhuis Onder de Vuurtoren

This video of Paul and his son Ian was made 2 years ago. The catering industry was closed, so without an audience.

Live Muziek

Mostly Irish and Scottish with a healthy dose of Country, Classic rock, Folk and Bluegrass.

Iedere zondag
Every Sunday
v.a. 16:00

Last Sunday of the month – Open Podium

Bring an instrument and join in.
Or sit back, relax, and enjoy the entertainment.